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KBA Sp z o.o.
Al. Jerozolimskie 81, 02-001 Warszawa
Biurowiec Central Tower piętro 17

tel. +48 22 522 23 90
fax +48 22 522 23 91


NIP: 521-008-96-06,
Regon: 011089780
Zarząd: Tomasz Budziak
Zarejestrowana w: Sądzie Rejonowym dla m. St. Warszawy w XII Wydziale Gospodarczym Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, pod numerem rejestrowym:
KRS: 0000078695
Nr ewid. KIBR: 84
Wysokość kapitału zakładowego: 90 000 zł

kba Family Office

Family foundation

kba - range of services

Family foundation

A family foundation requires a specialised and licensed service provider to support the administration. The Management Board of the foundation can then focus on protecting and managing its assets.

A family foundation has specific requirements regarding confidentiality and the relationship between its bodies and its Founders and Beneficiaries.

What is the purpose of a family foundation?

professionalisation of management

A family foundation can fulfil the following functions:

  • Implementation of a family plan for the protection and integration of assets according to the family’s own ideas and specific features
  • Creation of a tool for managing family interests in accordance with the founders’ intention
  • Use of tax preferences to reinvest income
  • Embodying values relevant to the family, e.g.: intergenerational solidarity and responsibility, promotion of knowledge and entrepreneurship, creativity
  • Reduction of potential family conflicts and negative sides of inheritance law (e.g. demands for immediate execution of inheritances)
  • Professionalisation of management, especially when the next generation may lack people capable of direct and competent management of the family business.

Is it only asset protection?

A family foundation can also pursue other purposes than just asset protection.

Investment tool

In addition to asset protection, a family foundation can be an effective investment tool for permitted business activities (such as the trading and leasing of real estate and securities) and for controlling companies engaged in business activities. A family foundation can become a centre for the family’s business objectives to a greater extent than a holding company.

This is particularly important when a holding structure has not been previously established and the founders know that the next generation cannot or should not continue direct ownership as individuals.

A tool for meeting family needs

A tool for meeting family needs A family foundation is also a way to reconcile the needs of family members with their financial capacity generated by the business and family assets. It is possible to implement mechanisms that reduce the risk of assets being squandered.

Conflict risk reduction tool

Applying the family foundation statute can introduce partnership rules that integrate family members from different generations, with different needs and capacities and therefore different priorities around the family estate. Potential conflicts can be resolved in accordance with established and legally protected rules.

Investment tool

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