KBA Sp z o.o.
Al. Jerozolimskie 81, 02-001 Warszawa
Biurowiec Central Tower piętro 17
tel. +48 22 522 23 90
fax +48 22 522 23 91
e-mail: kba@kba.com.pl
NIP: 521-008-96-06,
Regon: 011089780
Zarząd: Tomasz Budziak
Zarejestrowana w: Sądzie Rejonowym dla m. St. Warszawy w XII Wydziale Gospodarczym Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, pod numerem rejestrowym:
KRS: 0000078695
Nr ewid. KIBR: 84
Wysokość kapitału zakładowego: 90 000 zł
We can share our many years of experience including with those families who want to run their own Single Family Office themselves as well as with companies who would like to provide such services as a complement to their existing business model.
Why make mistakes and reinvent the wheel? We can advise on how to set up and run a family office.
There are not yet many models of family office operation in Poland. This is due to the flawed nature of the legal regulations preceding the entry into force of the Family Foundation Act and thus the lack of a formal framework within which a family office would be useful. Some families may choose to manage and administer their interests themselves. However, their own experience or that of their colleagues to date may not be sufficient due to the nature of the family members’ business, investment and personal interests.
We can help create from scratch or transform existing management structures into an efficient Single Family Office working on behalf of the family’s interests.
Banks, brokerage firms, investment firms and law firms may wish to extend their range of services to include family office products for their customers. We can help design, implement and run family office services under the principal’s own brand.