KBA Sp z o.o.
Al. Jerozolimskie 81, 02-001 Warszawa
Biurowiec Central Tower piętro 17
tel. +48 22 522 23 90
fax +48 22 522 23 91
e-mail: kba@kba.com.pl
NIP: 521-008-96-06,
Regon: 011089780
Zarząd: Tomasz Budziak
Zarejestrowana w: Sądzie Rejonowym dla m. St. Warszawy w XII Wydziale Gospodarczym Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, pod numerem rejestrowym:
KRS: 0000078695
Nr ewid. KIBR: 84
Wysokość kapitału zakładowego: 90 000 zł
KBA Family Office is the product line of KBA sp. z o.o. supporting entrepreneurial families in effectively balancing the interests of business and family.
It is operated under the Multi Family Office model – i.e. services dedicated simultaneously to multiple business families.
Services addressed to the specific needs of a particular family with a tailored pricing model and scope of services
We have been synthesising experience gained in the Polish market with the best practice applied abroad for more than 30 years.
We are a Polish family company, but at the same time we are part of the Nexia International network of consulting firms, ranked in 8th place worldwide in 2022.
Our family office experience is described in the first scientific book on the subject in Poland, published in 2020 by Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN: Family Office. Teoria i praktyka działania na rynkach polskim i międzynarodowym (i.e. Theory and practice of operation on Polish and international markets) by Małgorzata Janicka, Artur Sajnóg, Tomasz Sosnowski
Especially for business families, we have prepared the Family Office service to provide permanent support in the management and control of the family’s property and interests, to create and run appropriate structures administering the family’s affairs, not only in the sphere of property located in the business but also outside it…
From 2023, family foundations can be established in Poland. Thanks to this, the Polish family business will be provided with legal succession tools, which until now have only been available abroad….
Zobacz więcej...
Generational change is first and foremost a problem of management and leadership both in business and in the family. Legal solutions, on the other hand, are just a necessary tool to achieve business and family objectives…
For suppliers of professional business services, i.e. law firms, tax advisors, brokerage firms and families who wish to set up their own structures for managing family interests, we have an offer called Family Office Solutions, a solution to support these suppliers and business families…
The publication is intended for a wide range of recipients, its content may be of particular interest to people running family businesses, as well as people working in entities providing services to wealthy clients, such as consulting companies, banks and other specialized financial institutions.
It is no coincidence that the average age of a company in the world varies between 25 and 30 years, slightly less than the period of business activity of one generation. Andrzej Blikle in the foreword to this book: A quarter of a century has passed since the political transformation, as a result of which the Polish socialist economy changed into a market economy.
The first major generational change in business has begun in Poland. Children of dynamic entrepreneurs starting their business at the beginning of the transformation marked in 1989.