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KBA Sp z o.o.
Al. Jerozolimskie 81, 02-001 Warszawa
Biurowiec Central Tower piętro 17

tel. +48 22 522 23 90
fax +48 22 522 23 91


NIP: 521-008-96-06,
Regon: 011089780
Zarząd: Tomasz Budziak
Zarejestrowana w: Sądzie Rejonowym dla m. St. Warszawy w XII Wydziale Gospodarczym Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, pod numerem rejestrowym:
KRS: 0000078695
Nr ewid. KIBR: 84
Wysokość kapitału zakładowego: 90 000 zł

kba Family Office

family office

kba - zakres usług

family office

Especially for business families, we have prepared the Family Office service to provide permanent support in the management and control of the family’s property and interests, to create and run appropriate structures administering the family’s affairs, not only in the sphere of property located in the business but also outside it.

administration of family affairs

The administration of corporate and family affairs should be integrated into the family business. Some families can take care of this themselves, others cannot. …

Accounting, taxation and control

Establishing a family foundation and placing assets in it requires accounting, reporting and tax calculations in accordance with accounting regulations …


Effective protection and multiplication of family capital requires decisions based on reliable data and rationale…

Office hosting

Family affairs are confidential. It is not always a good idea for the company administration to have access to matters and data related to the owner family …

GDPR and AML obligations

The administration of beneficiaries’ affairs must comply with data protection regulations…


Family affairs can be arranged in different ways. However, the model solution is a family foundation


Administration of family affairs

The administration of corporate and family affairs should be integrated into the family business. Some families can take care of this themselves, others cannot. Particularly when the intention is to separate ownership and management functions in subsequent generations. The Family Office also allows the control or management of assets and liabilities to be competently integrated in both the business and family spheres. While a family foundation may bring together a large proportion of family assets, it is not always the family business plan and tax considerations that encourage everything to be placed there. Assets can still be owned by individual family members and still require administration and consolidated information for effective control. The Family Office can also cover assets and affairs outside the family foundation with its support.


Accounting, taxation and control

Establishing a family foundation and placing assets in it requires accounting, reporting and tax calculations in accordance with accounting regulations, in a manner tailored to the legal form and tasks of the family foundation.

The requirements of the regulations can be fulfilled at a minimum level, although for the purposes of active management, it is worth considering implementing a chart of accounts and reporting that captures the essence of the structure of assets and income, investment decisions and family benefits.



Effective protection and multiplication of family capital requires decisions based on reliable data and rationale supported by the intuition and mastery of managers. They must be preceded by appropriate analyses. We provide assistance tailored to the investment situation and priorities of a given family.


Office hosting

Family affairs are confidential. It is not always a good idea for the company administration to have access to matters and data related to the owner family. For this reason, it is worth considering having the family foundation’s registered office located in a different place from the company’s registered office. We can make our office available for the registered office of the family foundation or other family wealth management structures. In this respect, KBA operates for companies and trusts on the basis of an entry in the register kept by the Minister of Finance under number RDST-1418


GDPR and AML obligations

The administration of beneficiaries’ affairs must comply with data protection regulations. It is different from commercial activities, as it concerns other matters than customers or employees, but may contain other sensitive data. Family foundations may also enter into different business relationships.



Family affairs can be arranged in different ways. However, the model solution is a family foundation. By its nature, it performs a role similar to a holding company. However, a family foundation often incorporates more diversified assets than a classic holding company controlling the operating companies through shares, as the family foundation can to a limited extent carry out business activities, e.g. directly own and trade real estate, as well as ownership securities. On the other hand, the holding company generally does not have to take care of the owners’ affairs while a family foundation may have such tasks.

This diversification of the structure of assets and income and, on the other hand, of the tasks to be fulfilled, requires well-tailored control tools that enable rational management and decisions, investment policy and family benefits. In such situations, consolidation is necessary.