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KBA Sp z o.o.
Al. Jerozolimskie 81, 02-001 Warszawa
Biurowiec Central Tower piętro 17

tel. +48 22 522 23 90
fax +48 22 522 23 91


NIP: 521-008-96-06,
Regon: 011089780
Zarząd: Tomasz Budziak
Zarejestrowana w: Sądzie Rejonowym dla m. St. Warszawy w XII Wydziale Gospodarczym Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, pod numerem rejestrowym:
KRS: 0000078695
Nr ewid. KIBR: 84
Wysokość kapitału zakładowego: 90 000 zł

kba Family Office

who we are... a few words about us...

multi Family Office

We have been synthesising experience gained in the Polish market with the best practice applied abroad for more than 30 years. We are a Polish family company, but at the same time we are part of the Nexia International network of consulting firms, ranked in 8th place worldwide in 2022.

Our family office experience is described in the first scientific book on the subject in Poland, published in 2020 by Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN:  Family Office. Teoria i praktyka działania na rynkach polskim i międzynarodowym (i.e. Theory and practice of operation on Polish and international markets) by Małgorzata Janicka, Artur Sajnóg, Tomasz Sosnowski 

Family Office

pioneers of services addressed to entrepreneurial families

Drawing on the long-standing traditions of foreign family businesses, we have become pioneers of services directed to entrepreneurial families in Poland. We act for the benefit of the family business environment by actively participating in the activities of, for example, the Inicjatywa Firm Rodzinnych (i.e. Family Business Initiative) association and the National Chamber of Commerce. Our Managing Partner, Tomasz Budziak, has actively participated on behalf of family business in the legislative process of legal solutions related to succession, including consultation of acts on succession management and, above all, on family foundations. Based on our long-standing experience of working with Polish and foreign business families and above all with family offices in other countries, we can offer effective solutions to support generational change.